So, picture this: You’re a drug dealer and are thinking about the best way to sell the goodies. What do you do? Well, if you’re as hard-faced – or stupid – as this guy, you get yourself some shirts printed up, complete with prices and your phone number. What could possibly go wrong?! Well, as it turns out, plenty, as the genius who thought up the ploy found to his cost.
Wajid Hussain, 27, sold heroin and crack in Yorkshire, UK, as part of a county lines gang. During the course of his ‘business’ he was noticed by an undercover cop wearing the shirt, with the words ‘Naz & Scooby – 4 for £25, followed by his number emblazoned across the chest. The cop rang the number to arrange a deal, which eventually led to Hussain’s arrest.

Bradford Crown Court heard that Hussain had been running the ‘bring and ring’ Scooby Line for four months, up until July, 2019, and paying drivers to deliver cut-price drug wraps – costing as little as £7 – to waiting addicts.
A sting operation was launched, and a number of deals were arranged. Amongst items seized from Hussain’s address were scales, Kinder eggs, cash and dealer bags…plus the ‘marketing’ shirt.
Hussain had 18 previous convictions for various offences, including supplying Class A drugs in 2012. His other offences included aggravated vehicle taking, battery and racially aggravated harassment. He had been recalled to prison on licence for a dangerous driving sentence and he was in breach of a Criminal Behaviour Order.
He was sentenced to six years.
The source of this article can be found here
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